What we learned about Betsy DeVos’s higher education positions … not much
Sanders: Will you work with me and others to make public colleges and universities tuition-free through federal and state efforts? DeVos: Senator, I think that is a really interesting idea and it’s really great to consider and think about. But we also have to consider the fact that there is nothing in life that’s truly free. Somebody has got to pay for it. Sanders: Right now we have proposals in front of us to substantially lower tax breaks for billionaires in this country, while at the same time low-income kids can’t afford to college. Do you think that makes sense? DeVos: If your question is really around how can we help higher education and college be more affordable– Sanders: That wasn’t my question. My question is: should we make public college and universities tuition free so that every family in America, regardless of income, will have the ability to have their kids get a higher education? DeVos: We can work together and we can work hard on making sure college or higher education in some form is affordable for all young people that want to pursue it.
Read full article [here].
by Danielle Douglas-Gabriel, The Washington Post.