UC out-of-staters are last year’s fight
Last year, in the midst of a battle over whether in-state students were being “crowded out” of the University of California, lawmakers gave UC a year to come back with a policy to limit the number of students admitted from out of state. The worries were questionable at best; the 10-campus system still makes a space somewhere for every California undergraduate whose grades and test scores meet the criteria for admission. Californians still make up nearly 85 percent of enrollment, and even at first-choice campuses such as UCLA and UC Berkeley, 75 percent are in-state students… in an era of resistance against “America First” thinking, it’s hypocritical to scapegoat outsiders in our halls of higher education. Regents should pass this cap, and lawmakers should declare victory and move on. We have bigger battles to fight.
Read full article [here].
by The Editorial Board, The Sacramento Bee.