The Reality of Governor Newsom’s Budget

an average annual increase of a bit more than 3¼ percent does not qualify as “the largest state investment in UC history.” It doesn’t justify the “huge budget boost” trumpet blast in this LA Times headline, or the statement cosigned by UC president Drake and board chair Peréz. There are other commitments, all one time, where the main money goes to 2 things: workforce preparedness and student housing… Newsom and Biden see higher education as workforce training for economic growth. They also tie that mainly to community colleges rather than to four-year degrees. Newsom bundles his two biggest one-time programs into an aggregate with a largish headline number that must be shared by the 3 segments, and which treats the segments and their students as the same. Newsom is joining Biden in demoting four-year colleges, which is an anti-progressive trend that universities will need to fight.

Read full article [here].
by Chris Newfield, Remaking the University.

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