Eliminating the SAT favors the privileged

The entire University of California system will now refuse even to consider SAT and ACT scores submitted, a dramatic escalation from other top colleges which had merely allowed applicants to opt-out of taking them. The system cited the supposed racism of these tests. In practice, the departure from specialized tests on the part of the College Board and the entire abandonment of generically standardized tests by colleges will exacerbate the inequality of our college admissions processes. The most privileged students will always have parents ready to dress their resumes with plum internships and volunteering positions and schools keen on grade inflation. In contrast, the nation’s poorest students — especially those in schools with no funding for AP exams and with parents who rely on them for extra income — must rely on standardized testing as an objective measure of their merit to those wealthy charlatans who hide behind letters of recommendation and nonprofit gigs.

Read full article [here].
by Tiana Lowe, The Washington Examiner.

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