California Professors Fight Back Against Violent Repression of Palestine Protest

Faculty from seven University of California campuses took a stand against the repression of protest over Israel’s war on Gaza on Thursday, taking the historic step of filing a joint unfair labor practice charge against their employer. The professors from the top-tier California public university system alleged that their schools targeted them for speaking out on Israel’s war in Gaza and for joining students’ pro-Palestine protests in the spring.

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by Jonah Valdez, The Intercept.

University of California faces unfair labor charge alleging free speech supression

The Council of University of California Faculty Associations, along with faculty organizations from seven system campuses, filed an unfair labor practice charge with the California Public Employment Relations Board against the University of California regents Thursday. In the 581-page document, the associations alleged the system interfered with academic instruction and denied faculty promotions and access to their work locations.

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by Laura Spitalniak, Higher Ed Dive.

UCSC faculty join statewide unfair labor claim over handling of Gaza protests

Chris Connery, a spokesperson for UCSC’s faculty association, said the university’s decision to ban three UCSC faculty member from campus without a hearing violated their rights and violated university procedures. It happened after they were arrested with more than 100 others at the Gaza solidarity encampment May 31… the UC Santa Cruz Faculty Association said it hopes that a PERB hearing will clarify that the protection of faculty rights is essential for the university.

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by Hillary Ojeda, Lookout Santa Cruz.

UC chancellors get big raises, putting them between $785,000 and nearly $1.2 million

University of California chancellors will get big salary boosts — near or exceeding 30% in most cases… Regents also approved salary adjustments for six senior UC leaders, including a 25.3% boost for UC President Michael V. Drake to bring his annual base pay to $1.3 million. In addition, 27 senior managers, including Drake and chancellors, will receive a 4.2% general increase. Regent John A. Pérez said he was “very uncomfortable with the overreliance” on a salary survey data compilation known as the Market Reference Zone used to make decisions about UC salaries. He said UC uses that comparative tool only for the system’s highest-paid leaders and doesn’t evaluate lower-paid employees in the same way…

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by Teresa Watanabe, The Los Angeles Times.

University of California Accused of Trying to Silence Faculty Speech About War in Gaza

Two faculty members at UCSF, a medical school, faced intense pushback for speaking out about the health consequences resulting from the destruction of hospitals and other infrastructure in Gaza, Ghannam said. That falls within the purview of health-related academic discussion at the university, Ghannam argued, but he said those faculty members were “either written up, counseled, or had their material taken down.”

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by Juan Carlos Lara, KQED.

UC approves new less-lethal arms for its police force amid protest

It’s likely that the regents were preparing for a lengthy discussion about the inventory of weapons at campuses, their purpose and whether the schools need new equipment. Regent John Pérez set that inquiring tone just as the compliance committee began. But when the committee reconvened moments later, Perez was gone. Also not in the room was Jody Stiger, the UC director of safety, who was explaining the uses of the weapons and equipment before the students shut down the meeting. He was in the next room where protesters and police squared off.

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by Mikhail Zinshteyn, CalMatters.

Council of UC Faculty Associations Files Its First-Ever Unfair Labor Practice Charge Against University of California

The ULP charge rejects claims by the UC that these actions have been taken in order to promote campus safety, instead arguing that the UC has targeted activity and speech that express solidarity with Palestine. “From the brutal predawn arrests ordered by university leaders to the vague and threatening notices of investigation, the university’s goal is clear: to end Palestine solidarity activism on campus,” said Anna Markowitz, associate professor of education at UCLA. “In this ULP charge, we are saying that this illegal suppression of speech cannot stand, whether about Palestine or about other issues that students and faculty may raise in the future.”

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by Caitlin Scialla, Santa Barbara Independent.

Months after their arrests, UC Irvine students’ fates remain uncertain

The allegations against Aini touch on trespassing and failing to disperse; violations of school policies. She is not accused of any violent behavior, and says her involvement in the protests was simply an act of free speech, a guaranteed right. School officials say the process is taking time because they want to follow University of California guidelines. The Orange County District Attorney’s office doesn’t comment on ongoing investigations, and it’s unclear if any students have been charged with a crime connected to the May 15 conflict. Now — several hearings, court filings and sleepless nights later — Aini and other students are still waiting to hear whether they’ll be subject to formal sanctions by either the university or the county criminal system. Officials at UC Irvine haven’t absolved them or declared them guilty. And it’s been a month since Aini has heard from the District Attorney’s office.

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by Victoria Le, The Orange County Register.

UC regents ban views on Israel, other political opinion from university homepages

University of California regents voted Thursday to ban political opinion from main campus homepages, a policy initially rooted in concern about anti-Israel views being construed as official UC opinion. Political opinions may still be posted on other pages of an academic unit’s website, according to the policy approved at the regents meeting in San Francisco. It will take effect immediately.

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by Teresa Watanabe, The Los Angeles Times.

U.S. Confidence in Higher Education Now Closely Divided

An increasing proportion of U.S. adults say they have little or no confidence in higher education. As a result, Americans are now nearly equally divided among those who have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence (36%), some confidence (32%), or little or no confidence (32%) in higher education. When Gallup first measured confidence in higher education in 2015, 57% had a great deal or quite a lot of confidence and 10% had little or none. The latest results are based on a June 3-23 Gallup survey that gauged Americans’ confidence in various institutions.

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by Jeffrey M. Jones, Gallup.