Janet Napolitano, the ‘Political Heavyweight,’ Now Finds Herself Under Fire

Chris Newfield, a professor of literature and American studies at the Santa Barbara campus, said that state audits can have real power if there is a response from the Legislature, and that the recently concluded one represented a setback for public transparency. “Basically, [Napolitano] was hired because she was a political heavyweight,” Mr. Newfield said. “I didn’t agree with it, but I saw the logic of hiring someone like her. If you think your problem is Sacramento, then you hire a politician to deal with the pols of Sacramento,” he said. “I don’t think that’s worked out.” To regain the trust of the State Legislature, faculty members, and students, Mr. Newfield said it will take full disclosure from the president’s office of what happened with the audit, and a reform process that doesn’t hire outside consultants. Michael Meranze, professor of history at the Los Angeles campus, said the audit certainly has increased skepticism in the Legislature.

Read full article [here].
by Fernanda Zamudio-Suaréz, The Chronicle of Higher Education.

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